Career advice
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Software Engineer
Data Analyst
Data Scientist
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Career changes are tough, but you're tougher! We've gathered top industry advice to help you along your tech journey! (Let's land that dream job!)
Software Engineer
Data Analyst
Data Scientist
UX/UI Designer
How Practicum works
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Practicum team
Job search
How Practicum works
How Practicum Helps to Get You Hired in Tech
In this article, you’ll learn all about our career support service and how it’ll ensure you take your career to the next level.
How Practicum works
What Is Code Review? How It Works And How to Ace Your Next Review
Code review is a foundational part of any type of programming career. But how does it work, and how can you use it to boost your skills?
Software Engineer
Learning resources
How it works
Node.js is Cool. But Should You Try It?
If you've gotten started programming with HTML and JavaScript (JS), you know how easy JS is to use. The interface is right at your fingertips. You can easily access your entire web page with simple commands.
Software Engineer
Job search
Learning resources
Secrets of a Stellar Portfolio: Guidelines and a Checklist
Whether you're trying to get a job or just get more recognition at your current gig, it's important to showcase your best work (and getting some public acclaim certainly doesn't hurt). To do that, you need a great portfolio. Here are a few things you need to know to make your portfolio stand out.
Software Engineer
Job profiles
How Practicum works
Is Software Engineering the Right Move for You?
But what is their role, exactly? What kind of skills do they have? How much do they earn? And, is this a career you should pursue? If you find yourself pondering these questions, you've certainly come to the right place for answers!
Data Scientist
Job profiles
How Practicum works
What’s Inside: Data Scientist Program
Is Practicum course right for you?
Data Scientist
Student stories
Student spotlight
How to Balance Work/Formal Education With the Study Pace of Practicum?
Lindsey Naylor, a Data Science student, shares her bootcamp learning tips
Data Analyst
Job profiles
How Practicum works
What’s Inside: Data Analyst Program
Is Practicum course right for you?
Software Engineer
Job profiles
How Practicum works
What’s Inside: Software Engineer Program
Is Practicum course right for you?
Data Analyst
Job profiles
Practicum team
Data Analysis or Data Science: Which Path is Right for You?
If you’re thinking about a career in data, it’s important that you know how they differ in terms of skillsets, responsibilities, and salaries.
Soft skills
Learning resources
5 Reasons You’re not Pursuing Education and How to Move Past Them
Conquer Your Demons: What’s holding you back from learning new skills that will improve your career?
Learning resources
How to Find the Best Coding Resources in 2021
A brief guide by Practicum